Wednesday, February 21, 2007

February 21st

So today was definitely a nice day. Not as warm as I thought it was going to be. I, along with a few other people, skated New Albany Park. I hadn't been down there in a while. We used to have a rock like this out in the park. It's fun to just be riding along then bonk off of or whatever. Then the city, I guess, put it back up under the bridge. That was like last summer. So last week I was sitting around thinking, "I need to get another rock from under the bridge and put it in the park." I like to call it "bonk rock" as you can "bonk" off it or whatever. It's not like it's some huge thing, but just fun to mess around on. So we got one out today and it ended up being a good rock. I was hoping to find the exact same one as the year before but couldn't. I know some of you are probably saying "uhh, OK. A rock. Wow." But there's just something so fun about it to me. It just keeps me having fun and actually adds a little something to the park to me, besides just being a rock. Until next time. Peace.

1 comment:

Whiplash said...

i miss that rock. I miss everything though. but not the sign were they tried giving us rules down there