Friday, December 28, 2007


So the video has been done for a little bit. A couple weeks I guess? $4 and it's yours. Haha. Skating is kinda hard now. Random work hours and darkness beginning at like 5:30. So yeah things aren't like they used to be. But it's to be expected in the winter time. Well I'm out of things to say at this point. Keep on skating. Warm weather is just around the corner. Until next time. Peace.

Friday, December 14, 2007


Yes the post you've all been waiting for! The video is officially done and copies are already rolling out. Well burning, anyways. I was about to burn it when I realized I had yet to pick a name! Haha. So I just went with something simple. It's called Just Skate. Anytime something is going wrong, Just Skate. You aren't getting any better, who cares, Just Skate. See, it works. So anyone that wants a copy, just hit me up. They are going for $4, so you can't beat that. I'm super stoked that it's finally done and official. Until next update. Peace.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


It's FINISHED! The video is finally, finally completed! I'm going to burn a copy today and watch it when I get off work tonight to see kinda a rough draft of the finished disc. Then hopefully tomorrow I'll be burning copies of it for all you out there that want one. I figure $4 or so isn't that bad. I mean, it comes in a slim jewel case, so come on now. But seriously, I'm so glad I'm done with it and I'm super happy with the turnout. Oh yeah, still no title yet. Haha. That's one of the minor tweaks I'll have to work out tonight. So get hyped on this video! Or don't. It's whatever. Watch it and see a little bit of Southern Indiana skateboarders doing what they love. Until tomorrow. Peace.

Monday, December 10, 2007


I know, updates have lagged. I figured I'd throw this little bike video up here since I don't really have any newer skate footage to put up. Besides that, whatever I have is probably going in the video anyways. Speaking of, I know I said I'd have it done by the end of November but procrastination sets in on me a lot. I'm happy to say that I have all the actual skating parts done and all I have left is the credit/ending and then putting it all together and it'll be done. No name has been chosen as of this post. Give me some ideas. It'll probably be some lame-ass boring Southern Indiana name anyways. Throw some ideas this way. That's all for now. Until next time. Peace.

Monday, November 19, 2007


No videos or pictures in this post. Sorry. Just updating on the status of the still untitled video I'm putting together. Just finished the intro a few minutes ago and only a couple more parts to get done. Then slap it all together and that'll be it. I'm pretty hyped on getting it done for sure. I'm pretty hyped that the Lakai video should be out now, very soon, soon, etc. as well. And if you haven't seen it, the Nike video is insane. Please go watch it now. Just thought I'd let you know what's up with the video. Until next time. Peace.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


I don't have any videos or photos for this post. I'm simply updating the fact that the video is still in progress but pretty close to being done. At first I was going to try to make it all fancy-ish (or at least to my ability) but after much thought on it, I've decided not to worry about all that as much. It's not like I'm putting out some banger-filled video with all these pros going off in it. It's a lot of the skaters from around the part of Southern Indiana that I reside, which would be New Albany. There are a couple exceptions. I just want to get this video done and let people peep it and hopefully like it. I love skateboarding and everything that comes with it. But I'm tired of the seriousness that has come along with making this video. I'm not saying anyone out there has made it this way for me. I, myself, have made it this way. So expect a video real soon. I'm talking before the end of November. Seriously. I just want to get it done and get some of the older footage I have in it, out. I've yet to really think about how I'm going to distribute it or whatever. It'll probably end up being like a DVD with a slim case and maybe something like a cover to show what it is. Again, not trying to get too serious. So yeah, let's do this! Until next time. Peace.

Monday, November 05, 2007


I didn't think it was supposed to rain today but I guess it was. And it did. So I made this so Stephen wouldn't cry about updating the blog anymore. Here ya go.

Until next time. Peace.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

10-25-07 Part 2

Here's a clip of a couple tricks from today. Not a big deal but I was stoked off of Cody killin' it. Here it is.

Until next time. Peace.


I made a little video a couple days ago but forgot to put it up here. I was bored and decided to make a video because it was raining so yeah. It's been raining over the past few days constantly so there hasn't been much time to skate. So enough with the babble, here's the video.

Until next time. Peace.

Friday, October 19, 2007


So it's been a little bit since I've gotten around to updating this blog. I've still been trying to get the video done so a lot of what has been getting filmed is going in the video. And I don't want to put all the footage up here because I want the video to have some unseen stuff in it. Right? Right. My two tricks in this video were filmed at Major Taylor Skatepark in Indianapolis. I went there the other day with Derek and we had fun for sure. Alright, so enough of me babbling on here. Peep the video below.

Oh yeah, here's a picture to spice the post up a little.

Until next post. Go skate. Peace.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


As opposed to last post, this post actually has current footage. And it didn't take but a day to get it up here. What'd ya know. So I don't know what else to type. Here's the video.
Until next time. Peace.

So it's been a little bit.

A lot of the filming I've done lately, I've been trying to keep unseen so I can put it in the actual video that I'm making. Here's a bike video I made 3 weeks ago but forgot to upload it.
Hopefully I'll get some footage here soon that I won't have to save for the video or whatever and actually put it up here. Keep checking back. Until next time. Peace.

Friday, August 24, 2007


So some skateboarding went down today, as usual. Down at New Albany Skatepark, my home away from home. Come on down and join us one day. You just might have fun. Pretty much a scorcher every day, though. But you get used to it. The box is usually pretty sticky while the sun is out, beaming down on it throughout the day, wax or not. The best time to skate it is once the sun starts to go down. Wax that shit up then skate it up. It makes for good times for sure. Here's the clip, since I'm sure you're done wasting your time reading this. Until next time. Peace.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


So Brad has been getting on me lately to put together this video. So here ya go. I hope you like the music. ;-) Until next time. Peace.

Columbus Excursion 8-21-07

So we took a little trip to Columbus, IN to skate the skatepark up there. It's a pretty fun place. All wood with a lot of banks and what not. We got some good pictures, too. It was Matt Burns, Derek Bowers, and myself that went and we all had a blast. Here's some photos.

Columbus Park, view 1

Columbus Park, view 2

Something that New Albany Park really really needs

Derek, noseslide ledge

Derek 360 flipping the hip transfer

Matt Burns going for the ride of his life

Burns taking it easy in the heat, tryin' to stay cool

Me, Backside 5-0 ledge out of bank

Me, pop shuv it tail grab hip transfer

And here's the video of it all.

Until next time. Peace.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

A Scooter Video?

So here's something pretty random. A video of a scooter-er. I'm not really sure how to say it. His name is Scott. He can skate, ride bikes, and yes, even scooter. Enjoy and be sure to visit him on Myspace at, SCOTT. So yeah, here it is.

It's getting to be that time that I'm going to start editing the CS/Southern Indiana skateboard video. Get your tricks in. Until next time. Peace.

Friday, August 10, 2007


So we've been doing some random late night skating, at random places. Here's a few tricks we got the other night. Louisville is full of spots. I mean these aren't anything special but they were fun for sure. That's all for now.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Here's some footage a few of us got during this late night street skating session.

We were wore out for sure but we all had a lot of fun. Nights like this are what make skateboarding so fun. Until next time. Peace.

Monday, July 30, 2007


So things have been kind of lagging footage-wise. The weather the past couple weeks hasn't been all that great. But things are looking better in that department. It's been over a month since I've even posted anything up here. So here's a video from stuff filmed on the 28th and 29th. Enjoy, and maybe I'll get some pictures up here soon. Peace.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


It's been a little bit. Filming is a little slow right now but I'm getting things every now and then. Also this hot, humid summer weather wears us down faster. But you just gotta keep on skating. Here's a video that doesn't have any skateboarding in it. It's a couple bikers that ride at New Albany Park sometimes. They are some cool dudes though so here ya go. Until next time. Peace.

Monday, June 11, 2007


It's been a little bit. I just started working on re-doing the CS site. I think I'm still going to keep this blog even though I'll have the site going again. It's just been kind of sitting there because I haven't had a program to use to edit it and I'm too lazy to fix it in HTML. Filming was sort of stagnant for a little bit. I hadn't really filmed a whole lot since the last post. But here you go. Maybe some pictures next time, as well. Peace.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


So the past few days have been really warm outside. Upper 80's with very high humidity levels make for some scorching hot skate days, especially at New Albany Park. Even when the sun goes down it's still really warm feeling outside because of the humidity. But I'd rather have it like this than cool or cold weather. Here's another slow mo video that I said I would put up from the last post.

So there's that. I have another I'll put up another day. Been getting some pretty good stuff, filming wise. And I've also been figuring out some tricks as well. I'm pretty happy that I can kickflip backside tailslide now. I even did one shuv it out. Summer is the best time to learn tricks it seems. Oh and before long I should be starting to redo the CS site. I've updated it a little today but I plan on redoing the whole thing soon. As soon as I have it finished, I'll post the update here. Well that's all for now. Hopefully some new pictures soon. Peace.

Monday, May 21, 2007


So I skated a spot I'd never skated before. And I do have to say it was pretty fun. Of course my day started off at the skate park but I was worn out after a while because of it being so hot out. But I'm not complaining. I like it like this. So here's some of the footage I got from today.
Can't give it all up, ya know. Gotta save some for the video. As long as I keep having good film days like this, the video should be done at the end of summer or so. Not a promise, though. We'll see. Until next time. Peace.

Saturday, May 19, 2007


We all skated the park all day. Well, we all as in the people that were down there skating all day. Here's a little video of some lines people did on the box.

And here's a little video of something that we were filming that is kind of like the intro to the Girl video "Yeah Right" where flat ground tricks are in really slow motion. This is me doing a 360 flip.

I'll have more slow mo clips like this on other posts. That's all for now. Peace.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


So an update. Skating has been good as usual. The weather is getting hotter. Sometimes a little too hot but whatever. I'm trying to write this in a hurry because I'm about to go skate so here's a video that I made of, well, now yesterday.

And here's a couple pictures.

Alex ollieing the 8 stair at Mt. Tabor Elementary

No Shanes Allowed

Until next time. Peace.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


We've been filming a little. Hopefully we'll go to more spots and get footage because we've been skating the park a lot lately, mainly because we can never think of anywhere to go. Here's some pictures I took last Wednesday.

He did this...

So I made this face...

Just some people messing around

That's all for now. Until next time. Peace.

Monday, April 16, 2007


So I haven't filmed a whole lot lately. I guess it's because it's been somewhat cool around here even though it shouldn't be. So I just thought I'd update you on that. Here's a video just for the fun of it. Until next time. Peace.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Rained today so...

By the time I got off today and was ready to skate, it started raining. I was just finishing up painting stuff on my griptape and it started sprinkling. So here's a video that I made yesterday that we filmed yesterday at New Albany Park. Just a little something something. I have another video that I still need to export and upload but that'll probably be for another post tomorrow or something. Until then. Peace.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


So today was a pretty positive day, for me anyways. The past few days have been so negative for me that it was good that today was the opposite. Some of us skated the front part of New Albany High School. I hadn't really skated that part of the school in over a year, at least. So it was pretty fun. Got some random footage, as shown below. Also took a few pictures. In the end, I'm just glad it was a positive day and I'm glad I've been filming a pretty good amount here lately. And since I hardly ever get to skate with Cole anymore, it was good that he showed up for half an hour or so. Until next time. Peace.

Anthony, Shane, and Jeff.
Forget ollieing down the 3 stair, Stephen Ollies up it.
Jeff takes this noseslide all the way out.

Friday, March 23, 2007

It's Been Over a Week

So yeah it's been over a weeks since I've last posted. I was meaning to do it a few days ago but got lazy then forgot all together. Here's a few pictures that I took that day and a little video I made of some random footage from that day as well.

Here's the video

So I'd say all in all it was a pretty nice day for sure. Great weather and skateboarding. What more can you ask for? Until next time. Peace.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Filming Not Always the Easiest

So last Monday I fell on my face. Just last night the scab came off. Then today at work I make my goal for the day to NOT fall on my face. (For Borat fans, to fall on my face (pause) NOT!) No I didn't fall on my face but I still fell pretty hard. I mean look at the picture. And the kicker is is that I was filming. Yes, you read correctly. I was filming someone else and died. What the hell is my problem, you ask. I don't know. Oh well though. I kept the camera from hitting the ground and more importantly, the lens. So just another day and another fall. No biggie. Ha. Until next time. Peace.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

So Unexpected

So I don't know if any of you have heard but I'm sure by now most of you have. Shane Cross and Ali Boulala were in a motorcycle accident and Shane Cross died from the injuries he sustained in the accident. Ali boulala suffered massive head trauma and has been placed in a medically induced coma. What a tragedy indeed. It's like I always say, you never know what's going to happen next in life. I know I'm pretty bummed about the whole situation as well are many many other people around the world. Hopefully Ali makes it through this whole ordeal and Shane will be missed by everyone for sure. Here's a little video that we filmed today. A couple lines, nothing fancy. has all the updates on the whole Ali Boulala situation, so be sure to check that out. Until next time. Peace.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

sorry no pic

I smashed my face on the ground today on a simple switch back 50-50 on the box at New Albany Park and now my lip is swollen up. And hurting, at that. Sorry no pic. Until next time. Peace.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Alright Weekend

I can never think of anywhere to go. If I'm out skating with friends and we're driving around, trying to think of somewhere to go, I always go blank. But if I'm out doing something else or driving to or from somewhere, then I always seem to think of some spot that might be fun to go back to or whatever. I'm sure I'm not the only one like this. We've been going to the Warehouse in Clarksville quite often here lately. No matter if we say we aren't going there. We end up there anyways. That's me doing a backside nosegrind on one of the waxed up stairs at the Warehouse. I can't believe that no one gets kicked out of this place. These stairs are taking a beating and the people at the church don't seem to care, I guess. Below is Ethan Johnson doing a frontside overkrook. I may not be photog extraordinaire or anything, but I still have fun with taking pictures and what not. A decent week weather wise is ahead so hopefully more picture taking and filming is on the way. That's all for now. Peace.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


This is the last day of February. It seems like this month as gone by fast. Though this month we've had some pretty harsh cold weather around here. Things are starting to look on the up and up, weather wise. I haven't filmed a whole heck of a lot but hopefully I'll start getting back into some serious filming in the near future. I've been skating at the Warehouse in Clarksville a lot. It's a fun little place to go. I haven't filmed to many lines or anything there, though. I need to get a lot more. Probably throw the rail in the mix there. Adding the flat rail in might make the runs seem more interesting maybe. I don't know. Here's a random video of Daniel getting into his first kickflip backside 50-50 and grinding a little bit. You can tell by his face afterwards how stoked he was. Until next time. Peace.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

February 21st

So today was definitely a nice day. Not as warm as I thought it was going to be. I, along with a few other people, skated New Albany Park. I hadn't been down there in a while. We used to have a rock like this out in the park. It's fun to just be riding along then bonk off of or whatever. Then the city, I guess, put it back up under the bridge. That was like last summer. So last week I was sitting around thinking, "I need to get another rock from under the bridge and put it in the park." I like to call it "bonk rock" as you can "bonk" off it or whatever. It's not like it's some huge thing, but just fun to mess around on. So we got one out today and it ended up being a good rock. I was hoping to find the exact same one as the year before but couldn't. I know some of you are probably saying "uhh, OK. A rock. Wow." But there's just something so fun about it to me. It just keeps me having fun and actually adds a little something to the park to me, besides just being a rock. Until next time. Peace.

Monday, February 19, 2007

So who noticed...

...the nice weather around today. Quite a bit different from yesterday's 30 degree high. Today's high was, I believe, 54. Very nice improvement. I didn't skate with anyone today, though. I just skated my flat rail. No one really called me to go skate. But I had so much fun skating my rail by myself for an hour. Here's a video filmed yesterday. It's only a couple tricks, nothing exciting. But it's something. Hopefully I'll get some good filming in sometime this week. Check back soon for more. Peace.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Looks can be.......

So this is what it looked like when I was in my back yard earlier in the afternoon, approxomitely 3:19PM. A perfect skate day? If only the temperature wasn't 29 degrees and the wind blowing wasn't helping much. That doesn't mean there was no skating at all today, though. Skated for an hour and a half or so. We've just recently been going back to The Warehouse in Clarksville. No, it's not an abandoned warehouse but, the name of a gym on the back of a church. Waxed up stairs that grind and what not. Little lines can go down. Pretty good to just go have fun with. That's all for now. Until next time. Peace.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

So a new year.......a redesign of this blog

Along the lines of the Habitat Field Log site, this is going to be my Log (or Blog) about my everyday skateboarding and the things that go along with it. I'm going to start taking as many pictures as I can and little videos and what not. This could even include pictures and videos from my cell phone, even, though I want to mostly use the video camera and the digital camera. I may not have much for a little bit because of all the sucky-ass weather we've been having around here. But I'm going to try my best to get stuff up on here as much as possible. If you want to read a blog of my personal life and the such, then go here or my Myspace. Well hopefully I'll be posting some new stuff maybe this weekend or the beginning of next week as the weather may improve a little. I don't know about you, but I don't find it fun skating when it's 23 degrees outside, so pardon me if you think I'm whining about it. Oh and the videos I put up on here will more than likely be videos I've uploaded to YouTube, just to let you all know. So for now, I leave you with this video I made a couple days ago that has some recent footage in it. Oh and yeah the picture, a fun little place to skate. Until next update. Peace.